Monday, April 14, 2008

Farmer Tim Composts his Beard

Farmer Tim decided to clean up his face in time for the summer, after all it must have been getting awful hot under all that wool.

Now he's a respectable member of society again! (at least judging by appearances, although that's no way to judge a guy, especially a guy that helps out by building houses for disaster victims and delivering meals for the needy, regardless of whether he's mistaken as homeless himself, since appearances seem to be how people are judged, but enough about appearances and judging people, since that could be a whole long discussion.)

But back to the farm business, we scrambled on up to the top of a cliff one warm spring day, and check out the cabbage patch we found! Somehow this farmer's crop is well ahead of our own. Don't be sad for the cabbage Tim is holding, it was leftover from last year and we were just helping out the farmer with his spring weeding.

1 comment:

Andy said...

oh my that farmer tim is dang fine looking. beard or no beard? i cant decide which is better he looks so good both ways.
-posted for Tim by Andy