Monday, May 5, 2008

First Steak off the Grill for the Season

Ok, this is a little off topic, as nothing in this picture has anything to do with the garden. But we had our first steak of the season, grilled on the back porch. The significance of that is that it was finally sunny and warm and perfect grilling weather. Can summer be here? No, really it can't. But because of that we'll appreciate every single sunny day that much more until "real" summer gets here.


Andy said...

I will attest to the yumminess of the steaks. Andy has finally mastered the art of grilling (he's come a long way in the two years that we've been married)! Yay Andy!

Hannah said...

That steak looks so yummy!!!!!!!!!! Apparently biting the extremely good looking, yummy, delicious looking steak on the screen does NOT and I repeat NOT get you a yummy piece of steak in your mouth! I tried, I failed. :) hahaha