Wednesday, June 29, 2011

6/29 Garden Update

Here's the farm as of today. A little unruly, overgrown, and out of control but better that than not being growing at all.

The garbage can is in there for a size reference. In other words, the tallest peas are taller than me. To the far left are some peppers and then tomatoes in cages that are succumbing to the peas. To the right are a few rows of lettuce, some of which are bolting. I had tried to plant beans under the peas for a succession crop, but I think they were shaded out.

Lessons for next year: don't plant so many peas! Don't plant so much lettuce!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


The apple tree is full of fruit! Small fruit, but clearly apples. Shortly after this picture I thinned out most of the little guys; I want the tree to concentrate on getting established this year as it's rather spindly.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Omelet for Breakfast

Local eggs. Spinach picked fresh from our garden. And of course cheese.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Pea Update

Miss M likes to eat peas, but she is falling behind. These golden snow peas have kicked production into high gear and we can't eat them quite fast enough. Madeleine's suggestion "Pick peas!" is now followed by the demand "Daddy eat peas!" as she seems to have had her fill lately.*

Meanwhile I've planted pole beans under these peas so hopefully we'll have those to look forward to as well.

*Actually what happens is that the pea pods take more than 2 chews each, and she loses patience when her mouth fills up and she can't fit any more.