Saturday, September 24, 2011

Lawn Annexation

The garden wasn't big enough.  Or at least the part of the garden that gets sun wasn't big enough.  And the yard had a barren area that needed some grass.  Time for a remodel before:

and after:

Sure, it doesn't look like much to you.  But now the garden bulges out into former lawn space by nearly 3 feet (or by two tomato plants, depends on how you measure).  At the same time, Maddy and Jules have more yard to run around in (not that Juliet is a very fast runner)

Whole Foods Parking Lot

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Getting Bigger

Our first tomato to break the 1/2 pound mark, finally.  Weighing in at nearly 9oz is this freakish Cherokee Purple that looks to be a sort of double, except it grew off one stem.  These tomatoes haven't turned out as big as I had hoped, nor as purple as I expected.  This one even lost a taste test against a red tomato stolen off an untended vine down the street.  Argh!

Friday, September 2, 2011

M waters the Fig tree

I'm not wanting for help around the Miller City Farm.  Maddy takes a lot of pride in her fig tree, which seems to grow even faster than her.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Rain, oh no!

We've been enjoying a rain-free summer.  No front yard to mow.  Struggling weeds.  And for the tomatoes, regular but limited watering.  

Until this week that is.  Now we've been getting a preview of fall with cooler temperatures and occasional showers.  This was too much water for the tomatoes, which started to split.  I think the Cherokee Purples are supposed to turn, well, purple.  These still have green shoulders, but what was I to do when faced with splitting tomatoes?  So I picked these and was pleased to see that the green tomatoes haven't split.  

For dinner tonight: fish in tomato water