Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Potato Patch

Yo, yo, yo.... POTATO!!  Holler if you can hear me you Spuds!
This week was potato harvest time.  Fortunately I had Maddy digging with me.  She's a pro:

The result was a lot of potatoes, a pretty epic haul in my opinion.  After finishing digging Madeleine had to recruit her friend Audrey to help with collecting and sorting.  Here's Audrey with her cut of the take:

It was pretty satisfying to dig up all those tubers, and Madeleine had so much fun that she was on the verge of tears when she realized that there were no more to find.  (Tomato picking provided some small consolation).  Surprisingly, Madeleine was very clear at dinner time that while she likes finding potatoes, she does not enjoy eating them. 

Here are the production totals, by type:
Russian Banana Fingerling: 8 oz planted, 3 lbs 13 oz harvested, yield=5.63x
California White: 10.5 oz planted, 2 lbs 13 oz harvested, yield=4.29x
Chieftan: 23 oz planted, 5 lbs 10 oz harvested, yield=4.09x

So all in all we pulled about 12 pounds of spud out of the ground, not bad from one row!  I bet that our thick and unimproved soil held back yield, plus I didn't fertilize much and the seed potatoes were planted pretty tight.  Next year we'll do even better!

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